Dr. Leslie Lemke-White, MH PharmD

Owner of Herbal Pharmer Private Consultations

Dr. Leslie White, MH PharmD has had a passion for health and wellness from a very young age. She began her journey with healing plants under the falling blossoms of a mimosa tree. Understanding and making plant medicine was part of her being. Formal training began in 1995. She completed a Masters in Herbology from Dr. John R. Christopher’s School of Natural Healing in 1998, studying under many leaders in the field including Dr. Richard R. Schulze, Christopher Hobbs and Dr. James Duke. While Dr. Duke encouraged her to study ethnobotany with him in the Amazon rain forest, that seemed a selfish pursuit.

Her desire was to share the vital healing capacity with people so that they may choose to take responsibility for their own health. After years of consulting with individuals, Dr. White completed the PharmD program at the University of Iowa. Her love of making herbal medicine led her to focus on restoring the roots of the profession, the art of compounding medications specifically to meet the needs of each individual.

The call of the plants proved to be stronger than the opportunities that modern healthcare model could fulfill and Dr. White returned to her passion for working with plants. On her small acreage she is not only working towards sustainability but creating a medicinal plant refuge. While still consulting with individuals and professionals as well as educating the public she also makes plant medicines.