Steven Lamer, DO, DC
Emergency Medicine Physician at Genesis Medical Center
Dr. Steven Lamer, DC, DO, began his career in medicine as a chiropractor after a 4 year stint in the US Navy during the Vietnam War. He had the good fortune to train with the discoverer of Applied Kinesiology, Dr. Major Bertrand DeJarnette, who gave his research Dr. George Goodhart who developed it to the powerful modality it is today. Steve continues to this day to ask the body directly what it needs for healing. It was during this time that he began to study the alternative healing methods of Edgar Cayce, and continues to make recommendations for health improvement today based on Cayce’s methods.
After 5 years in practice he was guided to apply to medical school, and during his residency and internships he had the opportunity to work in an alternative medicine practice in Pennsylvania. He is board certified in Family Practice, Emergency Medicine, and Age Management Medicine. He returned to Iowa in 1996. Besides his passion for alternative ways to help people improve their health, Steve discovered his passion for educating and transforming people to their fullest potential, and today is one of a handful of people bringing a revolutionary new educational software designed to erase illiteracy to the United States. Steve has spent years in his work as a physician educating, motivating, and helping people harness their inner potential for health, and is excited to bring his time and talent to assisting people in their transformation.
Steve and his wife Cindy have 5 children between them ages 23-36, and live in Solon Iowa with their dog Max and their cat, Bastet. They are working with local organizations to convert their two acres of turf grass into an edible forest where everything on the property will be good for the animals, plants, and the humans who live there.