William Appelgate, PhD
Executive Director and CEO at Iowa Chronic Care Consortium
Bill believes that inspiring improved personal health behaviors is the change-the-world strategy required for the future of healthcare in America. Much of his energy and work has focused on advancing this idea in real world settings.
His professional work has included service as a director of a university research center, a college foundation director, a college president, a health science university vice president, and C.E.O. of two comprehensive, innovative healthcare systems in Wisconsin and Iowa.
During most of the past12 years, following his founding role, he has served as the CEO of the Iowa Chronic Care Consortium. The Consortium is a population health capacity building organization with clients and trainees in 32 states. It has received national recognition for its particular skill in leveraging technology to achieve high touch health behavior change in populations with chronic conditions. Success in this field of endeavor led the Consortium to the creation and development of the Clinical Health training programs, an intensive educational program equipping healthcare professionals with performance focused skills to inspire patient accountability, advance self-care skills and improve health behaviors.
Helping all individuals reclaim accountability for their own health is Bill’s current driving passion. As the Executive Director and CEO of the Iowa Chronic Care Consortium, President of the Academy for a Healthy Iowa and Founder of the Clinical Health Coach® training, he daily plays forward opportunities around this passion.
Bill Appelgate grew up on a farm in north central Iowa and attended a one-room country school through the eighth grade. Following high school, he graduated from Iowa State University with a B.S. in agriculture. He later earned a M.A. degree from Loyola University of Chicago and a Ph.D. in public policy and higher education from Southern Illinois University.