Terry Fowler

Coordinator of Wise Home and Frugal Home groups

Teresa Fowler is passionate about true health, healing and nutrition for herself and her community. With extensive knowledge and expertise in nutrition (2001 graduate of Professional Career Development Institute Fitness and Nutritionist,) natural living, fitness, farming, health, and personal coaching, she provides leadership, resources, and innovation to a group of over 250 families in the greater DM area as developer and coordinator of the eight year old Wise Home and Frugal Home private natural living community groups. Both servant and leader, Teresa gives generously of her resources and knowledge on a personal level and as ten year WAPF (Weston A. Price Foundation) chapter leader, helping families procure excellent quality, nutrient dense foods and natural health resources at an affordable cost. Her background experience includes retail in the areas of health and nutrition, natural and sustainable livestock farming, organic gardening, public speaking, teaching, and demonstrations in the areas of nutrition, food preparation, and natural living.